Design to Combustion: 3D Printed Engine to Life


Building an engine from scratch is always a dream project. As an avid enthusiast of both engineering and 3D printing, the idea of creating something as complex as an engine from the ground up was both daunting and exhilarating. This blog post chronicles the journey of designing, printing, and assembling a complete 3D printed engine.

There were countless challenges along the way, from crafting the digital model to fine-tuning the printing process for engine-worthy materials. But the thrill of seeing the individual components come together and ultimately witnessing the engine roar to life made it all worthwhile.

The CAD Modelling Process: The Blueprint Comes to Life

The adventure began in the virtual world of CAD software (Autodesk Fusion 360). Here, the engine's design was translated into a 3D model. Every piston, cylinder, and valve had to be precisely modeled, taking into account factors like material properties and printability. It was a meticulous process, but crucial for ensuring the final product would function as intended.

Printing the Parts: From Digital to Tangible

With the digital blueprint complete, it was time to bring it to life. Bambu X1 C Carbon printer was used for printing this project. Choosing the right filament material was critical. Since the engine would experience wear & tear, We have opted for a high-wear resistant filament like ABS for some parts. Additionally, it was necessary to optimize the slicer software settings to ensure the printed parts possessed the necessary strength and dimensional accuracy for engine operation.

Assembly and Testing: Putting it All Together

The moment of truth arrived – assembly time! Here, We put together the various printed components. It wasn't without its challenges. There were minor adjustments needed here and there, a testament to the fine line between the digital realm and the physical world. Once assembled, came the exhilarating part: testing. The engine was tested and it was working fine.

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Learning to materialize ideas - with 3D